Caring for Glass

In order to keep the glass in your Windows and Doors looking sparkling and scratch free it is important to know how to care for your glass.

Glass Cleaning Guidelines

It is recommended that all glass surfaces on your windows and doors are kept clean by
removing all dirt and other contaminants from the surface as soon as possible.
A clean, soft cloth, clean water and in some instances the addition of mild detergent should be
used to clean the glass, after cleaning ensure that all detergent residue is washed off with clean
water. Under no circumstances should any form of abrasive cleaner or scouring pads be used
to clean your glass.

Stubborn dirt or residue should be lightly sponged off to avoid scratching the glass, you can
also use eucalyptus oil to remove labels or sticky residue.

A single edge safety blade can also be used with extreme care to remove labels and sticky
residue from the glass. This should be used as an acute angle to the glass and done in a single
motion. Do not draw back over the glass and do not used on any coated surface such as Low E
Glass or Tinted/Frosted Glass.

The frequency of cleaning required will depend on the environmental conditions of your home
and its proximity to the ocean or industrial areas. As a general rule, glass should be cleaned at
least every 3 months to keep it in good condition.

Please note, when washing your windows and doors you should avoid directing powerful
streams of water directly at the glass. Always use the sprinkle setting on the nozzle of your hose
to gently clean your windows and doors.

Low E Glass Cleaning Guidelines

Low E Glass has a special coated surface to improve its thermal qualities when compared to
ordinary glass. Due to this special coating, it is imperative that extra care is taken to ensure that
this coating isn’t damaged when you are cleaning the glass.

Low E glass cleans differently to standard glass and therefore we recommend using a window
or surface cleaner that is clear to minimise any smearing on the glass.

Do not use any ammonia or alcohol-based cleaner as this will leave smears on the glass.
Eucalyptus oil can be used to remove labels and any sticky residue; however, blades should not
be used due to the potential damage that can be caused to the coating.

When cleaning Low E Glass, it is best to flood the glass surface with the window or surface
cleaner and then use a soft, clean cloth to clean the glass thoroughly. When drying the glass, it
is best to wipe the glass dry with a, clean, lint free cloth, do not use a squeegee.

Your Low E Glass should be cleaned in the same regularity as standard glass.

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